
Subscriptions Information


What is Save with Subscriptions?
Save with Subscriptions is just another way to shop! From the moment you order an item on Subscription, you don’t have to think about it again. You favourite item/s will be auto-delivered to your front door every 1-3 months and all you have to do is sit back and relax. 

Where can I find all the Subscription products?
You can find all our products under this category here: https://theecowarrior.eco/subscriptions/ 

How much can I save when I choose to Save with Subscriptions?
You save 10%! You also save time and effort from not having to manually re-order your favourite products over and over again! We do everything for you. 

How often is each product scheduled for delivery?
Under each product states the delivery frequency. Once you purchase the item, it will be auto-delivered to you on a 1-3 month basis. 

What if I run out sooner?
No problem! Get in contact with us and we can organise to send it to you sooner.
(E: info@theecowarrior.com.au) 

What if I need to delay my auto-delivery?
Still not a problem! Get in contact with us so we know to delay your order.
(E: info@theecowarrior.com.au) 

Is there a lock-in contract or cancellation fee?
Absolutely not! Our Save with Subscriptions is 100% commitment free!
You can cancel anytime.

What if I didn’t find the answer to my question?
Feel free to send us an email via info@theecowarrior.com.au!Â